Monthly Archives: October 2014

How to Create a Welcoming Landscape

If you don't have yard space to devote to a Little Free Library, try planting one in a container.

If you don’t have yard space to devote to a Little Free Library, try planting one in a container.

Little Free Libraries have been popping up all over Denver. You may have spotted a few. Each is essentially a box of books where passersby can either borrow a book or drop off a book. They’re such a delightful way to add warmth to a landscape while promoting literacy. You can either build your own little library or buy one online at

People often love curling up with books in the winter, so now is an ideal time to install a little library.

There are other ways to warm up your landscape, as well. For example, you can strategically place small lights along a sidewalk or pathway to lead the eye to your home or a focal point.

Then, of course, there’s signage. Who doesn’t love a rustic sign, often sprouting a tongue-in-cheek phrase, inviting guests into the garden?

Other enticing elements you might consider include:

  • Informal stepping-stone paths recessed into the ground.
  • Bold, bright flowers and foliage. This time of year, purple smoketree and tiger eye sumac provide knock-your-socks-off fall color.
  • Vine-covered arbors. Try wisteria, climbing roses or honeysuckle on an arch. Watch out for English ivy and Virginia creeper, though, because they can become invasive.
  • Whimsical gates. Canadian plantsman Doug Green offers an amazing display of garden gates, trellises and other architectural elements on his pinterest page.

As winter approaches and you spend less time tending your plants, explore creative ways to add affection and whimsy to your landscape.

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Filed under Landscape Design, Whimsy