Monthly Archives: September 2021

Talking Trash at the Garbage Garage

A milk-jug skeleton and fish greet visitors as they enter the Garbage Garage at the Larimer County Landfill.

Gardeners are born recyclers. Some of us toss fruit and vegetable scraps into compost piles. Others start seedlings in egg cartons or use old tires as flower planters.  Still others are endlessly creative when using old materials for whimsical garden décor.

So imagine my excitement when I discovered The Garbage Garage at the Larimer County Landfill here in Colorado.

The Garbage Garage, established in 2003, educates consumers about reducing, reusing and recycling waste.  Its drop-in hours are 10am to 2pm Tuesday through Friday.  The garage also offers free tours and activities.

Earlier this month, I attend a DIY Natural Cleaners workshop, complete with recipes, at the garage. My fellow attendees and I learned how to make non-hazardous household cleaners from vinegar, baking soda, alcohol, castile soap and other everyday solutions.  Cleaning’s a lot easier when you have a couple of all-purpose cleansers on hand instead of one cleaner for the bathroom bowl, another for windows, another for countertops, still another for laundry, etc.  And think about it—you later have to dispose of all those containers, some of which hold relatively toxic liquids.

Cindy Tunney, Larimer County education assistant, pours Borax for workshop participant Abby Chemers as Cindy teachers Abby how to make laundry detergent pellets.

The garage offers a range of activities for all ages, especially children. Kids can, for example, participate in the Recycling Relay, Where Does it Go Game, Trash Art, and my personal favorite, Making Methane.

An educational display challenges visitors to determine whether certain everyday items are recyclable or disposable.

If you’re in the area and would like to check it out, visit the Garbage Garage at 5887 S Taft Hill Road in Fort Collins.  Or take a look at the garage’s Facebook page.

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Filed under Landscape Design, Whimsy